country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) .GT Administration Policy

[Last update : May 6th, 2018]

In 1992, the "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" (IANA) delegated to the Universidad del Valle Guatemala (hereinafter UVG) the stewardship of country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) ".gt".

For more information read our history .

The UVG agrees to follow generally accepted guidelines for such operations, especially those embodied in the following documents:

The following items describe the policies adopted by the UVG to ensure an efficient, fair and impartial operation.


The main function of the UVG, in the administration of the .gt ccTLD, is of public service. As such, the UVG serves the community of the Republic of Guatemala as well as the global Internet community. This administration should be judged solely by its performance and the degree to which satisfies the needs of the local community and the Internet.

Any matter that is related to intellectual property rights or otherwise, trademarks and/or registered names as domain names, or parts of them, are outside the responsibility of the UVG.

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The UVG shall publish on the website the policies and procedures that will guide the registration and administration of domain names so that the operation is completely transparent.

The UVG will be equitable and fair to all qualified applicants wishing to apply for domain names. Specifically, the same rules apply to all applications and these will be processed without discrimination.

The domain names to apply for must be under one of the following established subdomains:

  • .gt - (open)
  • - (open)
  • - (open)
  • - (open)
  • - (open)
  •* - (closed) for educational institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education and, in the case of higher education institutions recognized by the Council of Private Higher Education (CEPS).
  •* - (closed) for government agencies in Guatemala.
  •* - (closed) for entities of the Armed Forces of Guatemala.

* The subdomains, y are closed and the applicant must prove the affiliation of their institution to be eligible for one. Only one closed domain name will be delegated free of charge per institution. Any additional domain name will have the same fee as a domain name

If an applicant believes that the name he requires does not fit in any of these, he can request the opening of a new subdomain. The case will be studied to see whether it deserves to be added or not to this list.

The UVG can not register generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) like .com, .net, .edu, etc.. To get one of these it is necesary that the applicant reaches out any of the entities that has been empowered by IANA/ICANN.

To register a domain name, the applicant must agree to the Terms of Service established . For more information read our registration procedure.

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Nombres de dominio

The domain names are not sold, they are delegated to an entity or person for a renewable period. Therefore, neither can nor should be considered property of the applicant.

The UVG recognizes that many organizations will have the need and/or the desire to reserve a domain name without it being put into operation. In this case, the procedure is the same as indicated under the heading Procedures , including payment. Simply it would not be activated until it is required by the applicant.

States of a Domain Name

  • AVAILABLE: It is a pseudo-state, since no record is kept of all possible domain names to be requested. Its function is to represent that the domain name is not delegated to any entity and therefore is free for subscription.

  • RESERVED: Represents a domain name that has been requested throughout the application form, but the payment or the paperwork are still pending. This state has a maximum duration of 4 calendar days for open domain names and 30 calendar days for closed domain names, after which it returns to the state AVAILABLE.

    • A domain name can not be reserved 2 times consecutively by the same entity.
  • REGISTERED: Identifies the domain names for which payment has been received or the paperwork has been received. This domain is enabled for use.

    • You can extend the duration of this state by renewing the period of registration of the domain name.
    • This state is effective until the expiration date of the current period of registration, after which it changes to the state EXPIRED.

  • EXPIRED: Describes the domain names whose registration period has reached its expired date, also known as the grace period, in which is given the opportunity to renew the registration period without affecting the operation of the domain name.

    • You can go to the state REGISTERED, by paying a minimum of one year or updating the information stored in the Registry for domain names free of charge. .
    • This state is valid for two weeks (15 calendar days) after the expiration date of the registration period. If renewal payment or the update of the information registered is not received, the domain name changes to the state BLOCKED.

  • BLOCKED: Points out the domain names that exceeded the period of grace at the state EXPIRED and are currently without service.

    • You can go to the state REGISTERED, by paying a minimum of one year or updating the information stored in the Registry for domain names free of charge. .
    • This state is valid for two weeks (15 calendar days) If renewal payment or the update of the information registered is not received, the domain name changes to the state AVAILABLE, the domain name will be deleted from the Registry's data base.

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Renewal reminders

  • First message: 30 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the domain name, a renewal reminder will be sent by email to the registered Billing Contact.

  • Second message: On the expiration date of the domain name, a notice of expiration together with a renewal reminder will be sent by email to the registered Billing Contact and Administrative Contact.

  • Third message: 15 calendar days after the expiration date of the domain name, a notice of service blockage together with a renewal reminder will be sent by email to the registered Billing Contact, Administrative Contact and Technical Contact .

  • Forth message: 30 calendar days after the expiration date of the domain name, a notice of deletion will be sent by email to the registered Billing Contact, Administrative Contact and Technical Contact .

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Syntax Rules

The domain names must meet the following syntax rules.

  • The domain names to apply for must be under one of the following established subdomains:

    • .gt - (open)
    • - (open)
    • - (open)
    • - (open)
    • - (open)
    •* - (closed) for educational institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education and, in the case of higher education institutions recognized by the Council of Private Higher Education (CEPS).
    •* - (closed) for government agencies in Guatemala.
    •* - (closed) for entities of the Armed Forces of Guatemala.

  • Valid elements

    • The domain name may be composed of elements of the following sets :
      • Letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
      • Digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      • Symbols: -
      • International: á, é, í, ó, ú, ü and ñ
    • The domain name can not begin or end with a hyphen (-)
    • Domain names can not begin with xn--
    • Domain names can not have hyphens in the 3rd and 4th position.
    • Domain names are not case-sensitive.

  • Length:

    • The minimum length is 1 element (not including subdomains).
    • The maximum length is 63 punycode sin incluir los subdominios).

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Data Privacy

The UVG, in compliance with the policies recognized as a standard for managing domain names, will keep protected information that applicants have provided. However, for the proper functioning of the name resolution systems and WHOIS systems, is made available to the general public the following information :
  • Domain Name.
  • Name of the entity or individual that requested it.
  • Names, phone numbers and emails of administrative and technical contacts .
  • Domain name servers list.

We adopted the policies suggested by WIPO and the ICANN not to allow access to lists of registered domain names. So that only individual domain names can be searched.

The only exception to this policy will be upon receipt of a court order.

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Resolution of disputes

The UVG, in its capacity as Registry of domain names within the ccTLD .gt, is not empowered and can not evaluate, review or investigate the right that has each applicant/holder to use or register each domain name in the ccTLD .gt.

For this reason, the UVG, as part of the domain name system in the Internet, has adopted the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy approved by (ICANN).

The ICANN has a list of Arbitration and Mediation Center authorized to manage conflicts over domain name registrations on the Internet. From these, for the ease with which they work in the Spanish language, the UVG has made arrangements with WIPO to be your Arbitration and Mediation Center who handles disputes arising within the Internet domain of the ccTLD .gt, see the Dispute Resolution Policy of the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala.

Any other dispute related to a domain name registration in the .gt ccTLD, may be solved by the parties concerned through the competent court, in accordance with the terms of service for the internet domain name, or by arbitration or conciliation.

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Technical Operations

The UVG is committed to making all registration data duly safeguarded against damage and loss. This is done through the use of best available technology for such purposes.

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Changes to these policies

The UVG reserves the right to modify or amend this policy at any time. Users should review these policies, with some frequency, as they are subject to them, and any modifications made to them.

Changes to these policies are effective as of the date and time of their appearance at the website . The exception is for changes to the Dispute Resolution Policy that will be effective thirty (30) days after its appearance on this website

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